# Batchdialer Overlays Browser Extension Current version: 1.0, tested with Chrome *94.0.4606.81* To install the the extension, follow the directions below: 1. Download the [latest release](https://info.qhrei.com/tools/batchdialeroverlays/releases/batchdialeroverlays.zip) to a folder on you computer. Currently I have not packed this extension as it is not ready for production use and is still being developed. **Note**: The extension may work in other chromium based browsers but I have not done **ANY** testing on them yet. 2. Unzip the extension to a folder on you computer - for this example I will be using: `c:\temp\batchdialerOverlays` 3. Open your browser and navigate to: [chrome://extensions/](chrome://extensions/) 4. In the upper right hand corner of the window enable Developer mode. 5. Click the `Load Unpacked` button in the upper left portion of the window and select the folder you extracted the zip to `c:\temp\batchdialerOverlays` The extension should appear in the list of extensions. 6. In the upper right hand corner of you browser click the icon that looks like a jigsaw puzzle piece and click the pin next to 'Batchdialer Overlays', which will make the extension icon visible for use. 7. Click on the `Batchdialer Overlays` icon and configure the settings as desired. - `On view contact page` when on, will expose the 'Push to CRM' button when viewing a specific contact - `For each recent contact` when on, will expose the 'Push to CRM' button when viewing a list of contacts on the [reports/calls](https://app.batchdialer.com/reports/calls) page. - Populate the Integration `Webhook URL` input field with the url of the API/Webhook you wish to send contact json to. - Hidden feature - click the `Send us your leads` link to populate the field with our Url. - Populate the Integration `API Key` input field with your api key (if one is needed) - Click the `Save` button to persist your changes. 8. Navigate to [https://batchdialer.com](https://www.batchdialer.com?fpr=qhrei), login and enjoy. ## Troubleshooting & Improvements - BUG: sometimes the 'push to crm' button appears on the Dashboard. - Expose toggles for what data is sent to the webhook. (currently all this data is being sent) - 'Include notes' - 'Include call log' - 'Include extended property info' - 'Include image ulrs' - 'Include contact info' - Add support for other browsers. (brave, edge, firefox, etc...) - Expose the 'push to crm' button for each contact on the [contacts](https://app.batchdialer.com/contacts/) page. - Expose option to 'show link to crm' for easy access from within a batchdialer contact (different from api url) - Expose option to pull data from api (like your crm) to display things like texts sent or other info not found in batchdialer. - Add support for more than one webhook. Like a kpi tracker, or a mark for followup/callback, or send text (batchleads). - Make the popup.html settings page more functional and easier to use. - Move to Manifest V3 (manifest.json) which will make it easier to get into chrome store, but we loose the important functionality of loading of remote scripts which is needed for enhancements without re-releasing the extension. - Only expose button if a specific call result / disposition exists in the calls list like "wants offer" or "call back" ## Notes - This browser extesion exists to fill a need missing in batch dialer. I created a feature request in batchdialer for this functionality but it does not exist yet. Hopefully evenually this extension will not be needed, but until then, Enjoy. Here is a link to that [user suggestion](https://batchdialer.featureupvote.com/suggestions/199100/add-push-to-crm-button-like-in-batchleads). ## Author This project was created in 2021 by [Steven Allen](https://fb.me/dybrn). [Quality Homes Reimagined, LLC](https://qhrei.com) [rei.systems](https://rei.systems) Here are a few ways to show your thanks. - Use our batchdialer [affiliate link](https://www.batchdialer.com?fpr=qhrei) to sign up for batchdialer. - You get a 7 day free trial - It helps support future development - We love to [squad up](https://qhrei.com/vjwithus) with other investors. - Donate to future development [via paypal](https://www.paypal.com/donate?hosted_button_id=VRPCCY7MSMRDY) - Send some crypto our way: bc1qq5stqnyes3awp050vp7kn4fuapcxf4jtdsnm06